Scan To Buy - About Scan To Buy Codes

The thought of using a 2-dimensional code on paper, a camera and computer scanner to direct someone to an online resource was conceived by Andrew Davies in 1988 (and no doubt other similarly minded individuals). Years on most of us carry camera's in our pockets with access to the internet capable of running software to decode 2-dimensional codes - the time is NOW for the realisation of Scan To Buy.

To form the product name we dropped the spaces, and turned the "To" into a "2"; "Scan2Buy" was born.

The latest version of Scan2Buy has been developed by ForBrains Ltd over a two year period. After integrating with Google Checkout, PayPal and Protx payment gateways and a number of other third party systems, and after extensive testing, we are very pleased to announce it's official launch on the 2nd of March 2009.

Scan2Buy uses "Cloud Hosting" to ensure automatic scalability as our clients promote their Scan2Buy Codes in the most effective ways they can.
In Shrewsbury it's 2oC and overcast clouds. It's 12/03/25 04:33 GMT so local time in Shrewsbury is 12/03/25 04:33 with sunrise at 06:32 and sunset at 18:09. Visibility is currently 10 km and we have a 9.252 km/h wind SW (220o). The humidity in Shrewsbury is 88% and the air pressure is 1005 mb.