Welcome to Scan2Buy
Wouldn't it be great if purchasing things could be done literally in 10 to 20 seconds using your mobile phone?
- See an item on the television shopping channel
- Spot a flyer for your favourite perfume on the train / bus / shopping mall
- See a poster advertising a theatre production
- Walk past a shop window poster, see a great offer on a product but you are in a rush
- While browsing through a mail ordering catalogue
As the owner of a business you recognise the importance of impulsive purchasing; if a person is introduced to your product, and feels that WOW factor and wants to buy, if they can buy quick and easily (within 20 seconds) you have yourself greatly increased sales.
The idea up until recently has only been a dream. Scan2Buy makes impulsive purchasing a reality.
Virtually everyone these days has a mobile phone (with built-in camera) closeby at all times. Most handsets support online web browsing, and its popularity is increasing.
- So you are out-and-about rushing from one place to another, you see a poster for something that you really want to buy but you never actually find the time to shop for.
- Reach for your phone, take a picture of the Scan2Buy Code.
- Keep walking, your phone may ask for permission to access the internet.
- Your phone takes you to your online payment gateway (eg. Google or Paypal) account (which holds your card details and invoice and delivery addresses).
- Select the delivery address, click the "Buy" button, and close your browser.
- You instantly get an email notification of your purchase and the retailer ships the items directly to you.
- If Scan2Buy is being used to purchase a cinema, festival or theatre ticket a 2D barcode will be sent to your mobile by MMS so that you can fast track entrance by simply showing your mobile phone screen to a standard barcode reader at the barrier (or attendant who has been issued with one of over 200 different standard mobile phones with built-in barcode reading software).
If your mobile phone does not have barcode reading software installed as standard you can download FREE software like: NeoReader, Kaywa or i-nigma. To see the phones they support please view:
Business Process - Small Businesses
Step 1) Signup for a Google Checkout "Sell" account (GoogleCheckout) (we also support Paypal & Protx)
Step 2) Signup for a Scan2Buy account
Step 3) From within your Scan2Buy account, purchase a Scan2Buy Code for each of your key products
Step 4) Distribute your Scan2Buy Codes as much as possible (TV, posters, leaflets, catalogues...)
Once you have a Scan2Buy Code it does not expire, but for Scan2Buy Codes to work you need an active Scan2Buy account.
Client Process
How members of the public use Scan2Buy: Step 1) Get a free Google Checkout "Buy" account (GoogleCheckout) (we also support Paypal & Protx) Step 2) Spot a Scan2Buy code Step 3) Reach for your mobile phone Step 4) Scan the Scan2Buy code (no barcode reader try: http://get.neoreader.com or http://reader.kaywa.com ) Step 5) Your phone might ask to go online - "Accept" Step 6) Click "Buy" |
eg. |
https://scan2buy.mobi |
In Shrewsbury it's -3oC and overcast clouds. It's 21/11/24 05:07 GMT so local time in Shrewsbury is 21/11/24 05:07 with sunrise at 07:44 and sunset at 16:09. Visibility is currently 10 km and we have a 5.544 km/h wind SSW (200o). The humidity in Shrewsbury is 93% and the air pressure is 1005 mb.