Mobile eCommerce

Introduction to Mobile eCommerce

We all keep a mobile with us these days and they keep getting capable of doing more and more. Now Scan2Buy Mobile eCommerce allows you to purchase items incredibly quickly indeed using the mobiles camera and internet connection. This is the ultimate Mobile eCommerce solution for your business. Your clients can now purchase your goods or services without their desktop computer, making a voice call, or coming to your store.

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Mobile eCommerce Solutions

Scan2Buy is "THE" Mobile eCommerce solution for forward thinking companies looking to maximise their profits and tap into the growing Mobile eCommerce market.

Pointing your mobile phone camera at a barcode in a newspaper article or on a billboard advert is already common practice in Japan for giving out Promo Codes. Mobile eCommerce from Scan2Buy tieing together mobile phone technology with the leading payment gateways brings this technology to you and your clients.

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In Shrewsbury it's 19oC and mist. It's 07/09/24 17:19 GMT so local time in Shrewsbury is 07/09/24 17:19 with sunrise at 05:32 and sunset at 18:45. Visibility is currently 8 km and we have a 7.416 km/h wind N (350o). The humidity in Shrewsbury is 89% and the air pressure is 1010 mb.